
Joseph Lumpkin has a long and varied background in research and writing. Over years of study and research he has written over 25 books on the subjects of theology, religion, church history, the Lost Books of the Bible, and Amateur Radio. Dr. Lumpkin has worked in research and development within the U.S. Department of Defense on major projects including Hypersonic Missile Technology and Super Computer clustering. In addition to his background in science, computers, and research, Joseph has a Doctorate in Ministry and has acted as chaplain to several family outreach programs. He is CEO of Fifth Estate Publishing, with a catalog of over one-hundred books including, The Lost Books of the Bible, The Book of Jubilees, Fallen Angels, and The Encyclopedia of Lost and Rejected Scriptures.
Dr. Lumpkin has appeared on Radio, Television, and Internet shows as a guest speaker on subjects of Fallen Angels, Church History, Religion, Theology, The Sacred Feminine, and the Axial Age. Shows include L.A. Talk Radio, Rainmaking Time, Cryptic Knowledge, and Threshing Floor Radio. Listen to hours of interviews at http://apocryphalbooks.com
Joseph's hobby is amateur (ham) radio. He holds an Extra Class license (AB4AN) and is a volunteer examiner. Joseph's passion is Martial arts, which he says keeps him centered and peaceful. Joseph Lumpkin has practiced his art over 40 years. He uses the art as a community youth outreach program. He is an instructor in the art of Shinsei Hapkido and still teaches students throughout the U.S. For more information about Shinsei Hapkido go to